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About Us


Brielle Public Library

610 South Street

Brielle, NJ 08730

(732) 528-9381

Hours Of Operation

Monday               10:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday               10:00am - 7:30pm
Wednesday         10:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday             10:00am - 7:30pm
Friday                  10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday              10:00am - 1:00pm

Sunday                 Closed                  

Library is closed on these holidays. 

New Year's Day                     

Martin Luther King Jr. Day   

Presidents Day 

Good Friday 

Memorial Day


Independence Day

Labor Day  

Veteran's Day                       


Thanksgiving Friday

Christmas Eve  
Christmas Day   

New Year's Eve                              

Question? Feedback? Contact Maribeth Pelly, Director

Thank you!

Library Policies & Services

Mission Statement 


Creating a Space for All to Enjoy

To enrich the lives of our community by providing a neighborhood hub to access a wide range of information and materials, using both traditional and creative methods for all ages, and to foster life-long learning, innovation, and the sharing of knowledge.



The Brielle Public Library has some rules that we are asking our patrons to follow when coming into the library. 


  1. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

  2. Registration is required for all indoor programs. 

  3. Any meetings and events must be pre-approved by the Director. 


Borrowing Privileges
All valid residents of Brielle are issued library cards without charge.  Children are issued library cards at any age with parental permission.  Non-residents may purchase a library card for $30.00/year. Download Your Library Membership Application Here.

Circulation Rules
A library card must be presented upon checkout.  All library materials may be borrowed for a two week period, with the exception of videos and DVDs, which are loaned for two days.

Materials may be renewed in person, by phone, or online (as long as there are no other patrons waiting for that item).  All items are limited to a two renewal maximum.

The card owner is responsible for all materials borrowed on their card.

The library’s drop box is always open.  All materials are accepted in the drop box.

Fines and Overdue Charges
DVDs and Videos- $1.00/day per item
All other materials- $0.10/day per item
Library card accounts with fines exceeding $10.00 will result in suspension of borrowing privileges until fines are paid or pa
yment arrangements are made with a library staff member.

Payments: We accept cash or Venmo payments @BrielleLibrary. (Please use the memo field to make a note of your payment/donation (i.e. in memory of, book fines, or book purchase.)

Gifts and Donations are always appreciated. 


The Brielle Public Library is a member library of the Monmouth County system.  Our circulation consists of over 40,000 items.  If you have a special request for an item not in our collection, we may request it through the Monmouth County Library.  We have bi-weekly pick-up/delivery service from  Monmouth County Headquarters.  Periodical information not available in our library can be obtained through the Monmouth County Library’s photocopying service. Brielle Public Library serves to all ages.


Photocopies and computer printouts  $0.25/per page (Black/White, Color, or Scanned Copies)

Children’s programs are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  They include story time, craft and music programs and additional after school activities.  A summer reading club is offered during the summer. 

Adult programs include author events, cultural programs and lectures, informational workshops, book discussion groups, and computer classes.

Book Sales - Books and DVDs are for sale from $1.00 up to $5.00 in the Library Vestibule. Annually we have a book sale. Look to website for announcements.  Proceeds support the library.  Before dropping off book donations, please call ahead to confirm if the Library is accepting book donations. We accept hardcover books in great condition. We do NOT accept encyclopedias, magazines, DVDs or VHS tapes. Do NOT leave book donations in the book drop, front door, or library vestibule.

Homebound Services The Brielle Public Library is the first library in the Monmouth County Library System to offer delivery to the homebound.  Our Homebound Book Delivery Program provides Brielle residents and paid library associate members with the opportunity to use specific library services when medical/physical limitations restrict their ability to personally visit and use the library.    


How it works

  • Homebound participant calls and requests service by 5:00 pm on Wednesday.

  • Materials are delivered or picked-up on Friday mornings.

  • The participant has two weeks to return or renew their materials or be fined under normal library procedures.  It is the participant's responsibility to return the book to the delivery person at the requested time.

  • Participants may request regular or large print books and audio books. There is no limit on the number that may be requested.

  • It will be the participant’s responsibility to ensure that the delivery person has unobstructed

  • access necessary for the delivery/pick-up of the materials.

  • Please call to register for homebound service at 732-528-9381.

Room Use Reservations: Brielle Library offers the following rooms for use during our regular operating hours:

  • Study Lounge (Occupancy: 30 Seated) Includes Smart Monitor

  • Reading Room (Occupancy: 80 Seated) Includes a variety of set up configurations, Sound & Smart Monitor, Adjustable Lighting, Natural Light during daytime hours, Expansive view of park and library lawn. 

  • Children's Room (Occupancy: 50 Seated) Sound System

  • Yoga Room (Occupancy: 25 Seated) Closed, private room. Good for interviews and small group meetings.


Folded Tables and chairs are provided upon request. 


Recommended donation for room use is $50 per room for non-residents. This donation helps defray costs of library operations and upkeep of our spaces available for use. Thank you for your support!


Request Room: To request a room, a completed Room Request Application must be received at least four weeks prior to the requested date. Applications are reviewed and approved by Library as quickly as possible to help you plan a successful event. Once Room Use Reservation Form is approved the room will be considered confirmed and will appear on the Library Calendar.



Get Help NJ

Need help paying your bills, avoiding foreclosure, or finding a job? The NJ State Library has created a website designed to make it easier for NJ residents to connect to state programs and services that can help during these tough economic times.

Got Feedback?

We welcome your input and suggestions.  

Please contact Maribeth Pelly, Director or speak to any of our staff members with feedback on how we can serve you.

Thank you for Supporting Your Local Public Library

Brielle Public Library
610 South Street
Brielle, NJ 08730
(732) 528-9381
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Serving the Community since 1922
Copyright 2025, Brielle Public Library
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